Hello Dear Readers,
I created this page as an attempt to emphasize the purpose of UNBOWED beyond that of entertainment. If you’ve read the book, you’ll know the significance of WILA.com and the ‘Zafeera lives!’ references. More links will be added to various real websites committed to a global awakening and liberation of ALL women—and ultimately, ALL
The following is extracted from the scene where fliers are distributed by an Algerian woman to a multicultural audience of women in London. It describes exactly what justice looks like to me, my story– including its epilogue–which offers solutions that ironically mirror the One Billion Rising campaign and other protest movements happening today around the world.

Who is W.I.L.A
What do we want?
Our objective is to take out any misogynistic regime that uses violence and intimidation to silence women;
To restore the basic dignity and rights of women to pursue education, gain skills, practice a profession, make a living for themselves and their children, marry and divorce freely, to have full agency over their own bodies, and walk in the streets of the world fearlessly, without harassment and without a veil if they choose.
We have no religious, political or national affiliation.
We are of many religions and no religion.
We belong to every nation.
We speak many languages, but have One Voice.
Our battle will have been won only when women fully share social, economic, political AND religious power in their respective nations and cultures.
We invite you to participate in the coming Battle.
Help us achieve our goal by offering any technical and medical skills you may have. Right now, we especially need strong women skilled in explosives, firearms, flying helicopters and operating satellites. Access to any of these would also be highly appreciated.
We accept donations to our cause in any amount.

“We can’t wait for men to evolve, we have to take action to dismantle patriarchy everywhere. Seeds must be planted in the minds of women and girls globally of the possibility. I hope to do that through this book.”